Advance Microprocessor


This blog regarding the Advance Microprocessor for Diploma Students                                
Theory Exam      :     3 hrs (100 Marks)

Term Work          :     Internal Exam (25 Marks)

Microprocessors are heavily used in Computers, Xerox machines, ATM machines, high end medical devices etc. It is evolved from 4 bit to 64 bit microprocessor. The rapid progress in microprocessor leads to many advanced microprocessors and micro controllers that give user a good interface to make functions and controlling operations easy and fast.

The 8086 microprocessor has certain limitations. So the microprocessors like 80286, 80386, 80486 and Pentium are evolved. The 80286 was milestone in the microprocessor. Many techniques like memory protection, multitasking, segmentation introduced in 80286 and carry forward even in the latest microprocessors. Advanced microprocessors are the current requirement of the market.

This subject covers the concepts of advanced microprocessors and their architecture, memory management, interrupts etc. It also covers interesting programming on interrupts of x86 microprocessor.

Students will be Developed Programs in Assembly Level Language.

Units Hours Marks
32-bit Microprocessor - Intel 80386
Introduction to Pentium Processor
RISC Architecture
Interrupts of X86 Microprocessor

List of Practical:

1.  Write an ALP to read password & validate the user.
2.  Write an ALP to display the status of keys described in 02H functions of BIOS INT 16H.
3.  Write an ALP to simulate CLS (Clear Screen) command.
4.  Write an ALP to simulate DEL (Delete file) and REN (Rename file) command.
5.  Write an ALP to display the attribute and date/ time of any file.
6.  Write an ALP to simulate MD (Make directory), RD (Remove Directory) commands.
7.  Write an ALP to simulate CD (Change directory) and PWD (Present Working Directory)          Ccommands.
8.  Write an ALP to display the status of Flag register and Machine Status Word register   
      of 286 on the screen.
9.  Write an ALP to display the status of Flag register and Machine Status Word register 
      of 386 on the screen.
10. Write an ALP to demonstrate CPUID instruction of Pentium Processor

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