Web Page Designing with HTML

This blogs is related to Web Page Designing for Diploma Students and beginners

Website design is a broad term that encompasses a wide of tasks, all involved in the formation of web pages. There are essentially two types of web design approaches, which are dynamic and static design. Static web design is typically based on basic HTML code. It is essential for diploma student to learn HTML since task of static website design is performed by using HTML coding.  Even in dynamic websites, the task of presentation of content is handled through HTML coding. This course introduce web page design using HTML5 and also for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language for formatting and styling of content. This learning enables students to design static web site and host it on Internet/Intranet.

Practical Exam  : Internal (50 Marks)

Term Work         : 50 Marks

Basics of HTML
Text Level Tag & List
URL and Images
Table and  Frames
Cascading Style sheets
Website Hosting

List of Practicals:
  • Create Web page using Structure tags to display sample message.
  • Create Web page for displaying paragraph using block level tags, HR tags (Part I).
  • Create Web page for displaying paragraph using block level tags, HR tags (Part II).
  • Create Web page for implementing different types of Lists.
  • Create Web page to link
    • A Different web page of same site
    • A different location on same web page
    • A specific location on different web page of same site
  • Create Web page to link
    • An External page of different site
    • To an Email ID
    • Write Tag to change colors of links
  • Insert image on web page using various attribute
  • Implement image button and set image as background
  • Create web page to implement Frame
  • Create web page to implement Table Tag
  • Create Web page for demonstration of CSS by applying Internal Stylesheet
  • Create Web page for demonstration of CSS by applying External Stylesheet
  • Install web server and publish website on internet
  • Install web server and publish website on internet


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