Data Communication and Computer Network

This blogs is related to Data Communication and Computer Networks for Diploma Students

A data communication and computer networks has been growing with rapid technological progress. Computer communication through networking becomes essential part of our life by considering importance of networking in day today life. It is essential for students to know the basic concept of networks like network classification network typologies, network devices. This course deals with the important concepts and techniques related to data communication and enable students to have an insight in to technology involved to make the network communication possible.

Theory Exam     : 3 hrs (70 Marks)

Practical Exam  : Internal (25 Marks)

Term Work         : 25 Marks

Fundamentals of Data Communication & Computer Network
Transmission Media & Switching
Error Detection, Correction & Wireless Communication
Network Topology & Network Devices
Reference Model

List of Practicals:
1.  Configure peer-to-peer Network with least three Hosts.
2.  Create desired Standard Network Cable including Cross Cable and test by using Cable Tester.
3.  Connect Computers using given Topology with Wired Media
4.  Connect Computers using Wireless Media
5.  Write C program for CRC Error Detection
6.  Create Network Using Bluetooth (Piconet/Scatternet)
7.  Share Printer and Folder in a Network and transfer a File from one Computer to another
8.  Install Operating System (Windows/Linux-Red Hat/Ubuntu)
9.  Configure File Server
10.  Configure Client to File Server and use file services
11.  Configure Static and Dynamic IP addresses
12.  Configure DHCP server
13.  Run Basic TCP/IP Utilities and Network Commands: ipconfig, ping, tracert, netstat, pathping, rout
14.  Install Wireshark and Configure as Packet Sniffer
15.  Set Access Rights and Security Permission for User
16.  Create IPv6 based small Computer Network using Simulator (preferably open source based)
17.  Setting up Wireless Network


Suggested  Micro Projects:

Only one micro-project is planned to be undertaken by a student assigned to him/her in the beginning of the semester. S/he ought to submit it by the end of the semester to develop the industry oriented COs. Each micro-project should encompass two or more COs which are in fact, an integration of PROs, UOs and ADO. The micro-project could be industry application based, internet- based, workshop based. Laboratory based or field based. Each student will have to maintain dated work diary consisting of individual contribution in the project work and give seminar presentation of it before of submission. The total duration of the micro-project should not be less than 16(sixteen) student engagement hours during the course.

In the first to four semesters, the micro-project could be group based, in higher semester, it should be individually undertaken to build up the skill and confidence of every student to become problem solver so that c/he contributes to the projects of the industry. 

A suggestive list given here. Similar micro-projects could be added by the concerned faculty:
  1. Create a small Network install, configure various devices and perform one peer to peer service and Client Server over it.
  2. Prepare report on widely used unguided media in industries depending on cost, efficiency, speed, reliability etc.
  3. Design Layout of a Network for department, depending upon type of network number/length of components with their specification.
  4. Prepare report on Mobile Communication along with latest technologies used.
  5. Prepare report on Submarine cable network.
Any other suggested topic by subject teacher.  

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